Operations Team at Osborne Naval Shipyard

About ANI


Established in 2017, Australian Naval Infrastructure Pty Ltd (ANI) is a Government Business Enterprise. ANI’s joint shareholders are the Minister for Finance and the Minister for Defence.

ANI’s primary object is to support the Commonwealth’s continuous naval shipbuilding program by being the owner, developer and manager of infrastructure and related facilities. ANI is also tasked with providing access and efficiently and effectively managing the infrastructure to ensure an integrated and coordinated approach to delivery of all aspects of the shipbuilding program.

ANI has focused on fulfilling these functions through the expansion and modernisation of the Osborne Naval Shipyard into a world-class shipbuilding precinct, and the continued operation and maintenance of Common Use Infrastructure.

The naval industry has a long and rich heritage. In respect to this, our corporate identity uses Morse code, a communication method still used as an important tool today on seafaring vessels as a means of ‘silent’ communication, or as a fallback when other methods are unavailable or disabled.

Our logo literally translates as ANI.
ANI Values Graphic

Board & Executive


Andrew Seaton

Andrew Seaton

Managing Director and CEO

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BE (Chem) Hons, Grad Dip Bus Admin, GAICD

Andrew joined ANI in July 2017 and was appointed Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer in April 2020. His current term will expire on 5 April 2028.

Andrew has over 30 years’ business experience encompassing a broad range of executive management, finance, investment banking, engineering and project management roles. Prior to joining ANI he was CFO of Santos Ltd and was previously a Vice President in investment banking with Merrill Lynch. He is a non-executive director of Strike Energy Ltd and Homestart Finance Ltd. 

Andrew has an honours degree in Chemical Engineering, a Graduate Diploma in Business Administration and is a Graduate Member of the AICD.

Janice Van Reyk

Janice Van Reyk

Non-Executive Director

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M Comm, M Env, LLB (Hons), BA, FAICD, CPA

Janice was appointed in August 2017. Her current term will expire on 13 August 2024.

Janice is a non-executive director serving on the boards of Lochard Energy Group, Australian Super, NSW Ports and Repurposelt.

Previously, she has served on a number of boards and committees in the infrastructure sector.  Prior to her non-executive director career, Janice enjoyed a career as a senior executive in ASX 100 companies (BHP, Orica and National Foods).

She is a Fellow of the AICD and CPA and a Leadership Victoria Fellow.

Andrea Sutton

Andrea Sutton

Non-Executive Director

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BE (Chem), GradDip Economics, GAICD

Andrea Sutton was appointed on 26 September 2023.  Her current term will expire on 25 September 2026.

Andrea is a non-executive director serving on the boards of Australia’s Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (including as Chair of the Risk and Audit Committee), Iluka Resources, Perenti Limited, Red 5 Limited, the Water Corporation (WA) and the National Association of Women in Operations.

Andrea has held several executive roles in safety, human resources, security, infrastructure management, and sales within the coal mining sector, including CEO and Managing Director of Energy Resources of Australia (ERA), and Chair of the Minerals Council of Australia – NT Management Committee. During a 19-year career at Rio Tinto she undertook the roles of General Manager of Operations at the Bengalia Mine and General Manager of Infrastructure, Iron Ore. Previously Andrea served on the boards of ERA and DDH1 and the Infrastructure WA Board.

Andrea has a Bachelor of Chemical Engineering from the University of Melbourne, a Graduate Diploma in Economics from the University of New England in Australia and is a Graduate Member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.

Peter Iancov

Peter Iancov

Non-Executive Director

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Peter was appointed on 13 February 2017 and reappointed on 26 June 2017. His current term will expire on 25 June 2025.

Peter is an experienced company director and executive with over 29 years’ expertise gained in the energy infrastructure, mining, commercial construction, contracting and defence sectors. He is currently Managing Director of Zinfra, Chairman of Chronos Advisory and a non-executive director of Yamatji Enterprises Limited and the Tasmanian Development Board.  Peter has previously held multiple board roles and senior executive positions across Australian and multinational organisations.

In his previous and current roles, Peter has been instrumental in securing and delivering major infrastructure projects and has been responsible for the management, construction and operation of critical energy infrastructure assets across Australia.

Prior to joining ANI, Peter was a non-executive director of ASC Pty Ltd.

Alan (Jim) Whalley

Alan (Jim) Whalley AO

Non-Executive Director

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MBA (Adel), BSc (NSW), FRAeS, CompIEAust, GAICD

Jim was appointed on 26 June 2017. His current term will expire on 25 June 2025.

Jim is a co-founder and executive deputy chair of Nova Systems, one of Australia’s largest privately owned defence professional service providers. He is a former air force fighter pilot and a graduate of the Royal Air Force Empire Test Pilots’ School.

Jim is a Fellow of the Royal Aeronautical Society and Companion of Engineers Australia, Member of the Society of Experimental Test Pilots and has completed the Harvard Business School OPM Executive Education Program. He serves on the Sir Ross and Keith Smith advisory committee and is a director of AROSE.


Adele Fraser

Adele Fraser

Chief Financial Officer

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BComm (Hons), GradDipCA, FCA, GAICD

Adele was appointed as Chief Financial Officer in April 2023.

Adele is a chartered accountant with over 20 years’ business experience and commenced at ANI in 2018 as Financial Controller.

Prior to joining ANI, Adele was a Senior Manager in the Assurance business at PwC, a firm where she started her career as an undergraduate in South Africa and enjoyed a long career spanning many roles across two countries.  

She has an honours degree in Financial Reporting, Auditing, Taxation and Management Accounting, and a Graduate Diploma of Chartered Accounting. She is a Fellow of Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand, a graduate of the AICD and a non-executive Director of Redflow Ltd.

Paul Bates

Paul Bates

Chief Operating Officer

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BA, GradDip InfoMgt, Dip Leadership and Mgt, MBA

Paul was appointed as Chief Operating Officer in April 2023, after previously holding the position of General Manager Operations.

Paul has substantial maritime operations experience. Prior to his appointment at ANI, Paul was General Manager Infrastructure of the Defence SA Techport Common User Facility (CUF), ensuring the successful delivery of the CUF and other contracted services to the AWD program since 2009. Prior to then, Paul was Project and Bid Manager for DMS Maritime Pty Ltd (now Serco Defence).

Paul holds a Master of Business Administration and is a graduate of the Australian Defence Force Academy. He served for 18 years in the Royal Australian Navy, holding a variety of operations roles both at sea and ashore.

Sally McLennan

General Counsel and Company Secretary

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LLB (with Honours), GDLP, BMgt, MAICD

Sally was appointed as General Counsel and Company Secretary in August 2017.

Sally is an experienced in-house commercial and corporate lawyer and has over 30 years’ business experience. Prior to joining ANI, she held senior legal roles at ASC Pty Ltd and Santos Limited. Sally’s prior experience includes commercial and human resources roles across several industries, including oil and gas, telecommunications and manufacturing.

Sally has a Bachelor of Laws (with Honours), Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice and a Bachelor of Management (Labour Relations) and is a Member of the AICD.  She is currently on the boards of the Botanic Gardens and State Herbarium and Guide Dogs SA/NT.

John Mortimer

John Mortimer

Director Major Projects

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BEng Civil (Hons), FIE Aust

John was appointed Director Major Projects in June 2023.

With over 30 years’ experience in the construction and development industries, John is a specialist in the delivery of complex infrastructure projects.  Prior to joining ANI, he held senior leadership roles at Mott MacDonald Australia Pty Ltd including Major Projects Director for the Asia, Pacific, New Zealand & Australia Region and Managing Director of the Australian business.

John’s prior project experience includes the development of the Port of Brisbane Terminal 11 and Port Botany Terminal 3 projects and numerous projects for the State Government of South Australia including the Adelaide Oval Redevelopment, Adelaide Convention Centre and the North South Corridor – Torrens to Darlington Project.

John leads the delivery of critical shipbuilding infrastructure to support the Federal Government’s defence and national security objectives at the Osborne Naval Shipyard in South Australia. He holds a Bachelor of Engineering (Honours, Civil) and is a fellow of the Institute of Engineers Australia.

Social Responsibility

Respect Reconciliation Action Plan

ANI launched its first Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) in July 2023.

Our Respect RAP focuses on raising awareness, building relationships and investigating how we can refine our operational practices to ensure we can realistically contribute to an equitable and reconciled Australia.

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Uni Placement Program

Undergraduate and Graduate Development

ANI is particularly proud of its efforts in providing vacation placements and employment to younger or inexperienced personnel, giving them valuable on-the-job experience as they start their careers, supervised and supported by experienced senior personnel. Over the past few years, ANI has offered vacation employment to undergraduate engineering students, assisting them to complete the industry […]

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Inclusive Workplace

Inclusion and Diversity

ANI seeks to foster a climate of respect, equality and positive recognition through an inclusive workplace culture. This is achieved through workplace practices that support diversity, respect different working styles, and accommodate flexible working arrangements. Some examples of these practices in action include: Flexible working arrangements ANI accommodates flexible working arrangements to suit the individual […]

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Indigenous art

Local Engagement

ANI is committed to maximising Australian content in the delivery of its projects. Local contractors and suppliers are sourced and used where possible, and ANI and its contractor partners advertise work package opportunities through the Industry Capability Network (ICN). ANI’s Osborne South Development Project (OSDP) achieved more than 97% engagement of local contractors, and steel […]

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Native plantings

Environmentally Sustainable Practices

ANI is accredited to ISO 14001 – Environmental Management Systems and has implemented environmentally sustainable practices in the operation and maintenance of the common user facilities (CUF) including: In the expansion and modernisation of the ONS, environmentally sustainable initiatives have been installed in the ONS south shipyard and are being considered in the design of […]

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Governance Documents

ANI Annual Reports

Other Documents