Artist’s impression of the site layout

On March 14, 2023, the Commonwealth Government announced the Optimal Pathway for acquiring conventionally armed Nuclear-Powered Submarine (NPS) capabilities for Australia. A key element of this plan is the construction of NPS in South Australia.
ANI is leading the development of the NPS construction yard at Osborne, with the preferred location currently undergoing a comprehensive evaluation and characterisation program.
ANI will collaborate closely with the Australian Submarine Agency, Defence, the Australian Shipbuilder Joint Venture, various regulatory bodies, and other stakeholders, including AUKUS partners, to ensure that the design and construction of infrastructure meet required schedules and adhere to the highest standards of nuclear safety and security.
This is a significant undertaking for ANI, involving the development of extensive and technically complex infrastructure, with the construction phase anticipated to span over a decade.
Environmental Impact Statement (EIS)
The proposed development has been classified as an ‘Impact Assessed’ project by the South Australian Minister for Planning, representing the most rigorous level of development assessment in the state. This classification is reserved for major projects that hold significant economic, social, or environmental importance for South Australia.
ANI has submitted a development application for the construction and operation of a nuclear-powered submarine construction yard at Osborne. In response, the Minister for Planning has determined that the Impact Assessed process will be applied.
A crucial aspect of this process is the preparation of an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), which evaluates the potential environmental, social, and economic impacts of the proposed development.
We are now seeking public feedback on the EIS, which covers the construction and operation of the yard, as well as associated launch, berthing, and other infrastructure required for the submarine construction.
To view the EIS, submit your feedback, or learn more about the upcoming public information sessions, please visit the YourSay website.
Information Sessions
ANI will be hosting four community drop-in sessions to provide an opportunity for stakeholders and the community to engage with the project team, ask questions and provide feedback.
Wednesday 19 February 2025 | 11.30am – 1.30pm | State Library, Cnr North Terrace & Kintore Ave, Adelaide. |
Thursday 20 February 2025 | 5pm – 7pm | Port Adelaide Plaza, 200-220 Commercial Road, Port Adelaide. |
Friday 21 February 2025 | 1pm – 3pm | Function Room, Lefevre Community Stadium, 514 Victoria Road, Osborne. |
Saturday 22 February 2025 | 1pm – 3pm | Function Room, Lefevre Community Stadium, 514 Victoria Road, Osborne. |
Strategic Assessment
In November 2023, the Commonwealth Minister for Environment and Water and the Australian Submarine Agency entered into an agreement to undertake a Strategic Assessment of the Osborne Submarine Construction Yard under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999.
Consultation on the Strategic Assessment is taking place at the same time as the South Australian Government’s consultation on the Environmental Impact Statement.
Details can be found at:
Osborne Submarine Construction Yard | Australian Submarine Agency