AUKUS partners have identified an Optimal Pathway to achieve the construction and delivery of SSN-AUKUS as an enduring nuclear-powered submarine capability for Australia. Australia will begin building its first SSN-AUKUS in Osborne, South Australia by the end of this decade through an expansion of the existing Osborne Naval Shipyard Area.
Australian Naval Infrastructure Pty Ltd (ANI) is the Australian Submarine Agency’s (ASA) design and delivery partner for a new Submarine Construction Yard (SCY) at Osborne Naval Shipyard.
The preferred site for the new SCY is on the Lefevre Peninsula immediately adjacent the existing Osborne Naval Shipyard.
The proposed development will be staged and is subject to several regulatory and legislative approval processes. This includes environmental approvals for various components of the development, some of which provide opportunity for public comment.
A referral for Preliminary Enabling Works was recently submitted for assessment under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act).
This referral covers a carpark and pedestrian bridge previously planned to support Osborne north, as well as a new link road to support existing and future shipyard activities.

The referral has now been opened for public comment on the EPBC Act Public Portal and you are invited to make comment about the preliminary enabling works project.
The EPBC Act Public Portal allows you, and anyone else, to view all projects that may have a significant impact on protected matters, and to make comment on whether a proposed action is a controlled action and the reasons why or why not.
You can make comment about this referral at
You can find out more about the EPBC Act and what it covers in FAQ or by visiting the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water at
Preliminary Enabling Works Referral Q&A
The following Q&A provides information in relation to the Preliminary Enabling Works referral under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act).
What is the overarching project?
AUKUS partners have identified an Optimal Pathway to achieve the construction and delivery of SSN-AUKUS as an enduring nuclear-powered submarine capability for Australia. Australia will begin building its first SSN-AUKUS in Osborne, South Australia, by the end of this decade through an expansion of the existing Osborne Naval Shipyard Area.
The Commonwealth has appointed Australian Naval Infrastructure Pty Ltd (ANI), as an Australian Government Business Enterprise (GBE), as the Australian Submarine Agency’s design and delivery partner for the nuclear-powered Submarine Construction Yard at Osborne, South Australia.
The preferred sit for the Submarine Construction Yard is on the Lefevre Peninsula immediately adjacent to the existing Osborne Naval Shipyard approximately 19 km north of Adelaide.
The proposed development will be staged, the first of which is the Preliminary Enabling Works. This includes the development of a car park, pedestrian bridge and road overpass, with construction proposed to commence in 2023.
What is the Preliminary Enabling Works project?
Preliminary Enabling Works includes the construction and operation of a car park, pedestrian bridge and road overpass. Construction is proposed to commence in 2023.
The project area is approximately 22.5 ha. This area encompasses all infrastructure and construction areas. It is located between Pelican Point Road and Mersey Road North and intersects Falie Reserve.
What is the timeline for activities?
The car park construction is expected to commence in 2023 after consideration under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act) is completed.
The pedestrian bridge and road overpass are subject to South Australia planning approvals. These are expected to be progressed early 2024, with construction to commence thereafter.
What is the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999?
The EPBC Act provides a legal framework to protect and manage nationally and internationally significant flora, fauna, ecological communities and heritage places. A submission under EPBC Act Part 7 to 9 has been progressed and forms stage one (this project) of a staged development.
What is the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Act 1999 public comment period?
The EPBC Act Part 7 to 10 provides for a public comment period of 10 business days (with no extensions).
To make a comment
Go to the EPBC Act Public Portal – Open for comment tab, then:
- Find the referral you want to make comment on
- Select the EPBC number (01936), which takes you to a project page that contains the referral and supporting documents
- Select ‘Make a comment’
- Upload information to support your comment if you wish
- Mark your comment as confidential if you wish
- Select the ‘Submit your comment’ button to submit
A decision on whether a proposed action requires approval will be made within 20 business days.
Making effective comments
The Commonwealth Minister for the Environment and Water can only use comments that relate directly to protected matters. Make your comment specific to the project you are commenting on.
To make your comment as helpful as possible, state:
- Why you believe the proposed action is or isn’t a controlled action;
- Whether the proposed action has an impact on protected matters;
- How the proposed action will have that impact;
- Which parts of the proposed action will have an impact on a particular protected matter; and
- The source of key information to support your views, if possible.
If you think the referral information is misleading or incorrect, tell us why and give us the right information if you can.
The minister is not required to consider any comments we receive after 10 business days. However, they may consider late comments at their discretion.
All enquiries should be directed to [email protected]